Back to School Information

Dear Parents and Student,
Welcome to the 4th Grade! I hope you had a wonderful summer vacation and are ready for an amazing new year of learning! I am very excited to get to know each and every one of you. More importantly, I look forward to working with everyone on building a strong community of inquirers, readers and writers.

This blog will be used for schedules, information, updates, as well as homework and assignments. I will also use the blog for posting photographs of class activities and as a general way of keeping you informed and up-to-date about school life.  Parents please do your best to check it often, and students, you must check it daily.

In order to start the year off properly, students will need to have some resources to help facilitate their learning. Please gather the following supplies and bring them with you to school by Friday August 12, 2016:

a USB (8 GB should be fine)
1 black dry erase marker
a pencil case
correction tape
a pencil sharpener
1 blue pen, 1 red pen
a yellow highlighter
tissue paper
water bottle
✴✴ crayons/markers (optional)
1pocket folder (for homework and letters home)
1 folder of plastic sleeves
7 A4 size lined notebooks
Next, I would like to ask that everyone send a class fund of 4000 NT per student. This money will be used for class supplies, costumes for special performances, school magazines, Sports Day shirts etc. A complete record of the budget will be kept by me so if you ever have any questions about what your money is being used towards, I will be happy to show you.
The last page of the student handbook must be signed by both parents and student and returned to school as soon as possible. Some key things to remember are:

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (plus Mass Celebration days) students are to come to school in formal uniforms. DISK will be enforcing a much stricter dress code this year and as such students are expected to arrive at school in clean and tidy uniforms that are worn properly throughout the day.

Wednesday  students may come to school in their P.E. uniforms and on Fridays they may wear their Sports Day shirts with P.E. bottoms. If Mass or another special celebration day is on Wednesday or Friday student should come to school in their formal uniforms. They will be allowed to change into their sport uniform after the celebration is complete.

Grade 4 students will be have P.E. class on Wednesday and Friday each week. Students will need to come to school wearing their P.E. uniforms and have an extra P.E. shirt to change into after class. It is also beneficial for students to bring a small towel to dry off after exercising.

On the second Friday of each month students may wear personal clothing as long as it is in good taste and does not show any inappropriate images.  Students who are deemed as dressing inappropriately will be given a P.E. uniform to change into and sent home with a corresponding bill.

Students must be inside their classrooms by 8:30 am sharp, before classes begin.

Students will be dismissed at 4:00 pm everyday.

The start of a new year holds the promise of new discovery and learning as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. We will have lots of fun reading, writing, and learning new things together. Fourth grade is a year filled with fun, discovery and great responsibilities. It is my hope that students will be excited to share their daily activities and experiences with the adults at home. I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success.   If you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, please write to me in the communication book or contact me by email and always know it is my pleasure to talk to you about your child.

Again, welcome to Grade Four and let’s have a great year!


Ashley Fisher


Why do we have procedures? Procedures are a part of life that show us how to do things. To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures. For example: To place a call on your phone, you need to enter the number in the right order. When you go to a wedding, you give the couple a red envelope. To board an airplane, you need to go through security, show your passport, and sit in your assigned seat. So, to be successful in learning you need to follow some simple procedures as well. These will help things to run smoothly.

1. Morning Routine
Quietly walk into the classroom and say good morning to Miss Fisher.
Empty backpack and put it away.
Have materials ready for the first class.
Hand in homework before 8:35am into the appropriate bin.
Look to the board for further instruction.
Begin bellwork assignment on your own.
If you finish, you may read silently at your desk.

2. Procedure for Quieting a Class:
When I want your undivided attention I will tap a bell. When you hear the bell, the procedure is as follows:
            a. Freeze
            b. Turn and face me; pay attention; and keep your eyes on me.
            c. Be ready for instruction. Listen carefully.

3. Hand Signals
We will use hand signals to limit the number of interruptions during a lesson. Please learn the following signals.

Hold up 3 fingers to DRINK WATER
Hold up 4 fingers if you need to use the BATHROOM (you may use the bathroom once during class time. Otherwise, you need to go during break time or at lunch.)
Hold up 5 fingers if you need to ask a QUESTION

**While doing your work if you have a question, please ask your classmates for help first. If they do not know the answer, then you may quietly raise your hand to ask me a question and I will come to your desk.
***You must keep a pack of tissues at your desk. You do not need to ask to use one and when you finish you may quietly stand up and walk to the garbage can. If you cannot follow this procedure properly, you will not be allowed to keep tissues at your desk and will have to wait until break time to use them.

 4. What to do when you finish your work early
What Do I Do Next?
      ALWAYS check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. Make sure you did your best.
·     Work on homework.
·     Read silently.
·     Organize your desk and/or folders.
·     Write your spelling words 3 times.
·      Do a word search or crossword.
     *Do NOT ask Miss Fisher what you can do next. There is always valuable work to be done. Use your time wisely.

5. What to do when the bell rings
The ring of the bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does. When the bell rings you may finish what you were doing, close your books and tidy your desk. Make sure there is no garbage around your desk. When your desk is clear and you are sitting nicely and quietly Miss Fisher will dismiss you. You may then exit the classroom quietly.

6. How to turn in homework/assignments
All homework and assignments/projects are to be turned in by 8:35 am on the due date. Anything handed in after that time will be considered late and will be marked accordingly.                                                                                                                              
*If you do not finish your homework/assignment by the deadline you will miss all of your breaks starting with the next one until the work is completed. You will be deducted 5% for each day that your work is late.                                                                                                                                           
 **If you were sick or have a valid excuse for not handing in your work on time a signed note from a parent must be given to the teacher explaining the reason.

7. If you are absent
If you are absent it is your own responsibility to get your missed work from the appropriate folder in the classroom. Ask a classmate what you missed and complete the work as soon as possible. After asking a classmate for help, if you still do not understand, you may come and ask Miss Fisher.

8. What to do when another adult enters the room
When another adult enters the classroom everyone must say “Good morning/afternoon name.” For example, “Good morning Sister Jackie. Good afternoon Mr.Hilden.” If the adult is a visitor whose name you do not know, you may simply say good morning/afternoon.

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