Thursday, May 11, 2017

Quarter 4 Math Exam Study Guide Chapters 13-16

Quarter 4 Math Exam Study Guide
Chapters 13-16

*Please note that we are hoping to make it to the third lesson of chapter 16 but if we do not, students will not be tested on any information I don't think they have adequately learned and understood.
Chapter 13: Time and Temperature

Lesson 13.1 Calendar
Vocabulary: decade, century
*I can use a calendar to find elapsed time.

Lesson 13.2 Elapsed Time
Vocabulary: elapsed time, A.M., P.M.
*I can find elapsed times.

Lesson 13.4 Temperatures and Negative Numbers
Vocabulary: positive, negative, degrees, Fahrenheit (F), Celsius (C)
*I can use a thermometer to read temperatures above and below zero

Lesson 13.5 Problem Solving Application: Use Temperature
*I can solve problems about temperature.

Chapter 14: Collect and Analyze Data

Lesson 14.1 Collect and Organize Data
Vocabulary: data, survey
*I can conduct a survey and organize information.

Lesson 14.2 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Table
*I can organize data in a table to solve a problem.

Lesson 14.3 Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
Vocabulary: mean, median, mode, range
*I can find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data.

Lesson 14.4 Line Plots
Vocabulary: line plot, range, median, mode
*I can make a line plot to represent data.
*I can use a line plot to find the range, median, mode, or mean.

Lesson 14.5 Stem and Leaf Plots
Vocabulary: stem and leaf plot, outlier
*I can read and make stem and leaf plots

Chapter 15: Graph Data

Lesson 15.1 Double Bar Graphs
Vocabulary: double bar graph, key, interval
*I can make a double bar graph to compare two sets of data.

Lesson 15.2 Circle Graphs
Vocabulary: circle graph
*I can use a circle graph to solve problems

Lesson 15.3 Interpret a Line Graph
*I can get the information from a graph even if it does not give exact information

Lesson 15.4 Read and Make a Line Graph
Vocabulary: line graph
*I can read and make a line graph.

Lesson 15.5 Analyze Graphs
*I can use graphs to display different types of data.

Chapter 16 Plane Figures

Lesson 16.1 Points, Lines, and Line Segments
Vocabulary: line segment, endpoints, parallel lines, intersecting lines, perpendicular lines
*I can identify geometric figures.

16.2 Rays and Angles
Vocabulary: ray, angle, sides, vertex
*I can name and describe rays and angles.

16.3 Measure Angles
Vocabulary: degrees, protractor

*I can use a protractor to measure angles.

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