Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday August 23, 2016

Good afternoon,

This morning during Grammar class we learned about the complete and simple subjects and predicates of sentences. During Reading students did two transitions of Daily 2. In Science class we did a great interactive lesson about why scientists compare data. Students were presented with a hypothetical problem where they had a new, smaller locker at school and they had to figure out if their backpacks would fit inside. First, they used standardized units of measure to measure the length, width, and height of their backpack and then they compared that data with the measurements of the locker. Finally, they were able to conclude whether their backpacks would fit or not. Well done everyone! In Math, we learned how to compare numbers up to nine digits using place value. They caught on very quickly and were able to do the practice page in class. Keep up the good work grade 4! During Social Studies we arranged our chairs in a discussion circle and started our second lesson on the Impact of Big Business. Students are getting better at breaking down big ideas and were able to understand numerous new vocabulary words and concepts throughout the lesson. We will continue this tomorrow.


  1. English Workbook page 12-13

  1. Main Idea Set 1 # 4

Julia Butterfly Hill lived in a giant Redwood tree for two years to keep it from being cut down. She climbed the tree, which was located in Northern California, on December 10, 1997. Many people helped her by bringing her food and supplies. She did not come down until the logging company promised never to cut the tree down. 

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

*You answer should begin with, "The main idea of this paragraph is...."
*Please answer this question in your Work on Writing notebook. Don't forget to include the title and the date.

3. Study for spelling/definition test on Friday August 26. 

4.  Correct vocab sentences


  1. Unit 1 Studying Science Test on Monday August 29. You can find the study guide here 

***Please return the IXL forms as soon as possible. If you have any questions you may reach me on Dojo. =)

***The word of the day is ADORABLE***

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