Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Quarter 3 Language Exam Study Guide

Quarter 3 Language Exam Study Guide

Your Language exam will consist of the material learned in our weekly Writing and Grammar classes. This means you are responsible for all of the information in your Work on Writing, Language and Word Work notebooks.

Grammar (English textbook)

Unit 4 Adjectives

*What is an adjective?
*Adjectives after the be verb
*Using a, an, and the
*Comparative adjectives
*Comparing with more and most
*Comparing with good and bad
*Using awesome adjectives

Unit 5 Capitalization and Punctuation
*Writing sentences with proper capitalization and punctuation
*Writing different types of sentences
*Combining sentences
*Names of people and pets
*Names of places and things
*Commas in a series
*Combining sentences to make a series
*More uses for commas
*Quotation marks

IXL Quarter 3 Practice:
  1. reportX.1Identify articles
  2. reportX.2Use the correct article: a or an
  3. reportX.3Use the correct article: a, an, or the

  1. reportY.1 Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
  2. reportY.2 Identify the adjective that describes the noun
  3. reportY.3 Identify adjectives
  4. reportY.4 Order adjectives

Adjectives that compare
  1. reportBB.1Use adjectives to compare
  2. reportBB.2Spell adjectives that compare
  3. reportBB.3Use adjectives with more and most

Adverbs that compare
  1. reportCC.1Use adverbs to compare

  1. reportHH.1Capitalizing the names of people and pets and titles of respect
  2. reportHH.2Capitalizing days, months, and holidays
  3. reportHH.3Capitalizing the names of places and geographic features
  4. reportHH.4Capitalizing the names of historical events, periods, and documents
  5. reportHH.5Capitalizing proper adjectives, nationalities, and languages
  6. reportHH.6Capitalization: review
  1. reportII.1Commas with a series
  2. reportII.2Commas with dates
  3. reportII.3Commas with the names of places
  4. reportII.4Commas with direct addresses and after introductory words
  5. reportII.5Commas: review
  1. reportJJ.1Abbreviate days of the week
  2. reportJJ.2Abbreviate months of the year
  3. reportJJ.3Abbreviate people's titles
  4. reportJJ.4Abbreviate customary units of measurement
  5. reportJJ.5Abbreviate metric units of measurement
  6. reportJJ.6Abbreviate street names
  7. reportJJ.7Abbreviate state names
  8. reportJJ.8Abbreviate street names and state names: review
  1. reportKK.1Greetings and closings of letters
  1. reportLL.1Formatting street addresses
  1. reportMM.1Which book title goes with the picture?
  2. reportMM.2Capitalizing titles
  3. reportMM.3Formatting titles
  4. reportMM.4Formatting and capitalizing titles
Quotations and dialogue
  1. reportNN.1Punctuating dialogue


Compare and Contrast

*Be able to write clear, well sequenced compare and contrast essays in the format we learned (intro, similarities paragraph, differences paragraph, conclusion)
*Write introductory and concluding sentences for each paragraph
*Use compare and contrast transition words

Short Story
*I can write a short story with a clear beginning, middle and end
*I can develop my characters, plot and setting with details and adjectives which help the reader to visualize the story in their minds as they read

Bridge to Terabithia
Chapter 1
Despised p. 2-detest, to regard with contempt
Grit p. 3-determination, firmness of character
Heat p. 4-a single race in order to get to a final race
Puny p. 5-tiny, not strong

Chapter 2
Scalding p. 9-boiling hot
Muddled p. 10-confused, mixed up
Anticipation p. 13-expectation of hope
Pandemonium p. 15-chaos, an uproar

Chapter 3
Clabber p. 23-milk that has soured and thickened, like yogurt
Quivered p. 24-to shake with a slight but rapid motion, anxious
Grudgingly p. 28-displaying unwillingness

Chapter 4
Consolation p. 29-comfort
Melodic p. 30-full of melody, harmony
Reassess p. 32-adjusting, looking over
*If you reassess something, you think about it and decide whether you need to change your opinion about it. For example: I will reassess the situation when I get home and make my decision.
Falter p. 34-hesitated
*If you falter, you lose your confidence and stop doing something or start making mistakes.
Ominously p. 35-threatening
*If you describe something as ominous, you mean that it worries you because it makes you think that something bad is going to happen.
Regally p. 40-like royalty
*If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful.
Foes p. 40-enemies
Siege (noun) p. 40-to take control over

Chapter 5
Vigorously p. 50-with much effort
Solemnly p. 50-seriously
Retreating p. 54-to move back in position from where one is at
Crimson p. 55-a dark shade of red

Chapter 6
Obsessed p. 57-to think about something all the time
Speculation p. 57-guessing at to what they would get for gifts
Foundling p. 58-an infant that is found abandoned
Gully p. 60-a small valley or ravine worn away by water

Jester p. 62-a professional fool or clown in a medieval court

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